Budding love is magical yet heart-wrenching at times. It's only truly satisfying when the true commitment is made. But all that leads up to that fateful moment when two people publicly celebrate their love for one another is more exciting than one could possible describe.I absolutely love the moments of celebration when two become one. When a couple declares to the world that they have found their soulmate, the bond into which they commit to invest their best. I just love creating art that conveys that electric energy two people feel for one another. Their energy is so intoxicating because I know exactly how they feel. And seeing their love mirroring the love I feel for my husband fuels the passion I have for life.
To connect with me about your special day, send me the following information. I'll send you a preliminary proposal and answer any questions you have within 24 hours.
Your Names:
Wedding Date:
Theme/Style of wedding:
Estimate # of guests:
I prefer Facebook because I find it the simplest medium for initial contact.
Find me at JB Newcomb Photography.
Email is fine, too. jbnewcomb@yahoo.com